Now is the season to hunt a hunter. Not just any hunter but one that is experienced and willing to mentor you. They are not easy t find and can be very elusive. Use patience and be persistent for success. Here are some suggestions on how to fill your tag.

Start looking for hunting mentors at local sportsmen clubs. Hunters also fish and enjoy all aspects of outdoor activities. The computer can also show you the way. Search local sportsmen’s clubs and see where your neighbors meet. Attend some meetings and look for someone that fits your needs.

Sportsmen are willing to mentor new sportsmen now more than ever before. Our outdoor ranks are dwindling, and we need to recruit new troops for the outdoor cause. Veteran sportsmen have evolved to the point where it is more fun to teach others how to hunt and fish than to do it themselves. We can only shoot so many big bucks and catch so many big fish. Showing others how to do it is the best trophy of all. Many veteran sportsmen will attend a hunter safety class or local outdoor shows with you. Hunters at shooting ranges and club are also anxious to share their knowledge. Their personal and hands on training is priceless.

Old Sportsmen are set in their ways. You may not be able to text and instant message when sitting in a tree stand. Bathrooms are not always close by. Hunting can be rugged and uncomfortable but… you can learn a lot, in a hurry from someone that has been there, done that, and has the street cred to prove it.

Most of the hunters you will find as a mentor are Baby Boomers. This unique and rare breed of sportsmen are an endangered species. They are the product of a generation unlike any before. War veterans returned from combat to have families that respected the land and celebrated the outdoors. When this generation of sportsmen are gone, your generation will need to carry on the hard work of maintaining our wild places.

We have wild places thanks to the “Boomers”. Their dedication and work will leave future generations our wild places and critters. If the banner for sportsmen is not carried forward, then hunting and fishing will be lost.

More modern families use technology as baby sitters and kids could be brainwashed by violent and sick shooter games on their I-pads and Cell phones. When Baby Boomers were kids, Mom made breakfast and opened the door. “See you at dinner!” We learned to survive and succeed by being independent and earning our merits. Our play station was the outdoors.

Say what you want, kids cannot learn everything from a video, text, twit, or e-mail. Personal contact can go a long way when teaching the most important lessons of life. Hunting is great, but it is just the target that motivates new hunters to venture forth. The best parts of hunting are not the big racks but the experiences, friendships, and joy of being a hunter and gatherer.

Great hunters have soft hearts.  It is true that humans are carnivores and hunters. It is in our DNA. We are all hunters. Our prey may be different, but everyone is hunting a better deal, food, happiness or something. Hunting is a wonderful metaphor for life. The tactics and strategies of the hunt are consistent with the rules of surviving our lives.

Hunters are used to rules, limits, and regulations.  Friends, buddies, and newbies are a part of the experience. We were all taught by mentors that guided us through our training. You too can be a part of that experience.

Fill your tag!

Montana Grant

For more Montana Grant, visit his website at