Most hunters are winding down by Christmas. In Montana the season ended the weekend after Thanksgiving. Hardcore Buck hunters hunt through the entire season. January offers late season and managed cull hunts. In some...
Most hunters are winding down by Christmas. In Montana the season ended the weekend after Thanksgiving. Hardcore Buck hunters hunt through the entire season. January offers late season and managed cull hunts. In some...
Buck hunters have many odd rituals, tastes, and habits! This is not much of a surprise since most male Buck hunters are probably all ADD anyway. The jury is still out on women...
Hunting is a Blood sport. Blood Trails are a part of the deed to harvest a deer. Once you release the arrow or pull the trigger, an ethical hunter must finish what they...
This years Rut is on. As the forests of the Appalachians have shed their leaves and mast crop, cooler weather and shorter days make huge antlered bucks, Horny! Sadly, this is their downfall...
Hunters florescent orange vests and hats are essential for safe hunting in most hunting scenarios. This bright color warns others of your presence, so you are not miss identified or in the line...